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Jan 19, 2025, 10:20 AM
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Nov 9, 2024, 4:55 PM
I’m going to share what I’m learning as I build out a GA4 data pipeline. and unfortunately I can’t share code.
Working with the endpoint
• once I figured out JWT authentication, working with the API has not been too difficult.
◦ JWT authentication is where a service account can impersonate any user inside your Domain by using something called domain wide delegation. JWT auth is :pinched_fingers::skin-tone-3: for orgs / agencies that have a bunch of different overlapping users that might have access to different properties inside GA4, GBP or GSC.
• the API is very fast. getting event data for a site with 8.3k visits / month for YTD took 1 API call and took < 3 seconds to respond.
• That returned 3600 rows of event data that corresponded to this client’s key events.
◦ This took up about 600kb in BigQuery.
• I was pretty concerned about GA4 token usage and it feels like I won’t need to be. That response used up *only 5 tokens* out of 200k tokens per day.
◦ I came up with a neat solution to the token problem by heavily filtering which eventNames we return in the response to match the events that correlate with the events that are our key events.
• I was also pretty concerned about how to query the data based on being limited to 9 dimensions per request
◦ I came up with kind of a cool solution which is to dynamically build the api call to use just the dimensions necessary to be able to properly bucket a user and to track different types of leads (calls, Form fills, chats).
• This means each client has a config stored in Google firestore with a list of event names to filter by and custom dimensions that align with Calls, Form fills, and chats.
• I’m gathering a list of default dimensions:
◦ firstUserSourceMedium
◦ eventName
◦ date
◦ firstUserCampaignName (this is sometimes helpful for identifying GBP traffic)
◦ pageLocation (so we can join GA + GSC data on landing page)
• I built the pipeline thus far using cursor / claude sonnet.
◦ normal list of annoyances while building something with AI.
James Gibbons
James Gibbons
Nov 9, 2024, 9:16 PM
Is “pageLocation” referring to url at any time within a session? Can ‘Landing Page + query string’ dimension be used to filter specifically for entry pages to site from search?
Nov 9, 2024, 9:34 PM
Yes it can and that’s a great catch.
James Gibbons
James Gibbons
Nov 10, 2024, 9:49 AM
There can be some cool data pulls with entry page, page name, and page referrer
Derek Perkins
Derek Perkins
Nov 10, 2024, 12:19 PM
You should put this somewhere that won't age out in 90 days
Nov 10, 2024, 12:20 PM
I created a linkedIn article.
Ian Hammond
Ian Hammond
Nov 19, 2024, 12:14 PM
Seconding James on the page referrer dimension, @Noah. For instances where you want to know which page a form submission lead event / conversion is happening on and the tracing is done with a thank-you page view. Page referrer will help give you the pages _before_ your thank-you pages. Just did this in C&C's GA4 (seo@) if you want to take a peek at what I mean ???? .

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