Two quick guesses
1.) *Wordpress Favicon Issues:* I followed the favicon back and it looks like WP is autogenerating a favicon as well and/or adding a another one (see image).
There also appears to be some sort of weird handshake going on with png/webp. I’m assuming probably some extension? I noticed the http headers were webp formatted but time image itself is a .png (both can work fine in Google SERPs, but I’d imagine Google’s getting confused).
*2.) Update Rel Tag:* This likely isn’t causing the issue, but the rel tag has <link rel=“shortcut icon” instead of just <link rel=“icon” and that could be confusing Google further according to the documentation.
Either way, I’d recommend removing all current favicons and put up a new one marking every specificity to be safe, something like:
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/cropped-Empire-Psychotherapy-favicon-1-32x32.png">
From there I’d clear the cache, test it in rich results to make sure everything’s set up well, and then check it out in a few days.