Well, this is an SEO community so that focus makes sense which is why I often add detail.
I'm usually engaged in these ways in marketing, primarily digital:
• fractional marketing director, may have reports or may need to find talent
• Advisory
• hourly
I am not a "stay in your lane" type, and question everything. So that leads me down paths that may be out of scope but I will still look, see if there might be inefficiencies, and start the conversation or send my thoughts.
I'll give you a few examples:
• Google maps API cost was high, but very few were interacting on page with it initially. Made zero sense to call that realtime until a user wanted to interact. Came up with a solution and it dropped by 90% ish.
• Often notice page speed can be improved, so make specific recommendations, sometimes implement if it's something I can do.
• Generally offer UX/UI feedback since I'm looking at the site from the outside and don't have familiarity bias.
If I think there's a way to make something I see more
Efficient or better, I mention it.
Growth (revenue/profit) & optimize are my focus.