Does anyone have clients with significant indexed video pages? I have 3 who all saw an eerily similar timeline for video pages not indexed due to "video not processed", with the largest surge on October 3. Wondering if this is a bug or an unannounced new video indexation enforcement.
The video indexing report shows how many videos on your site are eligible for video features on Google Search, and provides reasons why other videos on your site couldn't be indexed.
The thing that stuck out to me was that the rate of this error grew at the same time for multiple domains. i wondered if it had to do with any changes in video byte rendering, or if it's just a coincidence.
@Wissam Dandan - no gated vids, all publically accessible.
I had already found those more detailed report definitions, but they both (video not processed, and video not processed yet) seem to suggest that this error would occur during the first time googlebot encountered the videos. but for these, the video pages had previously been indexed. so this seems to follow the pattern of indexed page being reevaluated for quality and then dumped back into crawled not indexed.
I would say so tbh .. there’s definitely a switch has been turned on of what Google things of those pages after and before that date … most of those watch pages are premium gated content and was wondering before why Google used to say it’s good to go even tho the “content url” its not visible to Google or users
could be a intermittant issue with brightcove, yea. but when i run sample urls in rich results and in live url, video is detected and valid, and they are labeled as indexable. not sure how else to check whether google is having issues detecting the video codex
That's a fair point re: the rich results test. Moreso mentioned it to confirm that there's no errors with the video schema. But live url inspection shows video is detected
Hmmm that’s not a bad point … coz most of our videos are technically duplicate because they arelanguage localized (hreflang etc)… hmmmm aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa