@Rick @Becky Westmoreland - the idea here would be to create assets that 3rd parties would link to, but we wouldn't necessarily want those pages to be indexed for a number of reasons (mainly competitors stumbling across them)
Sounds like witchcraft to me. I thought noindexed pages didn't pass value, but I've heard it both ways. If an SEO competitor wants to find your web assets, a noindex tag isn't going to hide it from them.
I don't think this is a sustainable SEO tactic. Even if a noindex page passes value for a short time - it won't in the long term and you won't be able to predict it. There are more sustainable SEO tactics to focus on.
Trying to understand the strategy around creating a linkable asset that you purposefully hide from a user search journey.
My assumption is that this page/asset lives on the domain you’re trying to rank. If you’re no indexing because this is a PBN/parasite page we’re talking about a different situation.