i loved the above responses, howvere we take a more traditional approach. We have around 3-4 questions that may require logical thinking/reasoning + also showcase some the level of expertise one holds.
A few examples:
• You're a leading brand for your target niche. How do you keep an eye on competitors' organic performance? Your goal is to make sure you're on top of everything that's giving them the boost, so that you can learn at their cost and adjust your strategy, if needed.
• With AI playing a role and impacting your SEO performance, what changes will you make in your SEO strategy and how will you prepare yourself for the SEO success in the next 12 months?
• While working on a SaaS brand, while you're celebrating SEO traffic numbers, the client cares more for the leads/conversions. How will you track their progress and how would your typical report look for them?