Completely agree with the above advice. Would also just caution to look at any 3rd party tools you currently have as could change their deliveries.
There are a bunch of ways to set up Prerender, but if you were setting it up for bots only (bots get the SSR cached version of the page at the level, users get the CSR 'normal' version to save bandwidth and put the processing on the user), you just want to make sure any 3rd party tag is firing on the user-agents, devices, etc that you intend them to.
This is also why doing SSR in-house becomes a lot easier. is the cheapest/easiest solution I can think of to pick up the ball and run with SSR, but if your in-house team is doing it, you don't have to worry about weird nuances at the level (i.e. figuring out the costs with cache windows and how long to cache assets for an e-com, things like that) and you'll be sitting better for the future IMO.