Anyone have a favorite JS library for creating really nice looking data visualizations & graphs? I've used D3.js and nothing else. Curious if anyone has any thoughts or opinions on better ones. Don't want to ever have to rework the code so want to make the right choice up front if possible.
the creator of d3 is now doing Observable, which does an awesome job of declarative charts that I love. It doesn't have as many options / features as some of these other ones, but it's great for moving fast
Code Comfort: I'm very comfortable writing code and my team even more
Flexibility: Not a whole lot. Honestly, some libraries the charts look like :hankey: right out of the gate unless you do a lot of modifications but you can pretty much do anything with them. For me, I'm just looking for something that's fairly performant, and visually appealing. Little flexibility is fine by me. The charts themselves aren't too complicated!
Is it crazy to say that the charts in the Python packages just don't "look good" compared to some of the better JS libraries out there without a lot of heavy lifting? Feel free to tell me I'm totally wrong, honestly been a while since I've done much data viz stuff via code
I don't have any experience with pyecharts, but echarts wouldn't be a bad choice, and if your backend is in Python and you can avoid adding a bunch of js, that's a win for you
@Nicolas Garfinkel Yes, it’s still plotly (it check the four requirements, and is available as a JS library, as well as python, R, and a few other languages)